We’re all in the same boat right now: Social Distancing. Some people are doing it alone, and some people are doing so together. Couples all across the world have had to learn how to navigate this new normal, shaking up the normal routine of life as we used to know it.
Of course you crave time alone with your partner – but maybe not all day long. It’s okay, this is a safe space, you can admit it!
We can’t help but to examine how social distancing is impacting human behavior. I think we can all agree that what we’re going through is not normal. So how do we navigate in uncharted waters?
This is exactly why I felt compelled to write this blog. Using advice from my Pastor, Reverend Dr. Marcus D. Davidson, we wanted to give you a bit of insight into how other couples are quarantining, and what it means for them.
Reverend Dr. Marcus D. Davidson is the Senior Pastor of New Mount Olive Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where he has served for 10 years. He is also the President and CEO of PMD Ministries, Inc. and Dr. Marcus D. Davidson, Inc., offering seminars, lectures, workshops, and curricula focusing on leadership.

A native of Tuscumbia, Alabama and a graduate of Deshler High School, Rev. Dr. Davidson continued his studies and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University in Normal, Alabama. After his call to the ministry, he received a Master of Biblical Studies from Heritage Bible College in Huntsville, Alabama, Master of Divinity from Beeson Divinity School at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, and holds a Doctor of Ministry with an emphasis in Black Church Leadership from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.
He has studied at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas and at the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.
A young energetic minister, Dr. Davidson is a gospel recording artist, entrepreneur, author, noted preacher, pastor, and teacher who has been blessed to exercise his God-given talents to many across the nation in workshops, seminars, and revivals at the local, state, and national levels.
Keep reading for his three tips on social distancing with your partner:
1. Develop a good daily routine!
A daily routine for each person will help to avoid over exposure. Couples have gone from a normal day to day routine to a place of uncharted territory, 24/7 FaceTime. So, establishing a daily routine will help avoid too much engagement that could potentially lead to a problematic encounter.
2. S.P.A.C.E.
Creating some significant space each day can help with overly communicating to the point that good conversation could easily become contentious conversation. However, in-house social distancing can keep couples from feeling overcrowded, over-talking, and thus being overwhelmed.
3. Boss Talk
Create boss conversations with one another. Boss Talk is a conversation about future goals as a couple, exciting plans to make moves together as a couple, encouraging one another to shoot for that dream they have long hinted about or contemplated. Also, seriously putting a plan of action and execution together to be better and not bitter after the shelter in place order has been lifted.
Above all, the most important thing is to take your time and to acknowledge the emotions that each of us are feeling. This can be a period of great growth for couples. However, each of us will have our day. But this is a perfect time to practice the vows we spoke to each other on our wedding day. Get creative, be there for each other, and relax, this will all be over soon enough.
And most importantly, stay safe!
Tawanda xoxo
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